
Symbol Type: Number
Qualities: Universe, Knowledge, Marriage, Imperfection, Perfection, Faith, Completion, Law
  • Ten commandments

(From http://www.ridingthebeast.com/numbers/nu10.php)

  • "Represent the Creator and the creation, 3 + 7, the Trinity resting in the expressed universe."
  • "For Pythagoras, 10 was the symbol of the universe and it also expressed the whole of human knowledge."
  • "According to H.- P. Blavatsky, the 1 followed by 0 indicates the column and the circle, meaning the principle of the female and male, and this symbol would refer to the Androgyne nature and also to Jehovah, being at the same time male and female."
  • "The zero in the form of circle is a symbol of unit, completing then the meaning of the number 1 to show that the number 10 contains all preceding numbers as a whole contains its parts."
  • "Represent the first couple, the marriage: 1 = the man, 0 the egg fertilized by the 1. The ten gives the indication of a spiritual regression since the marriage is a consequence of the fall of the man."
  • "The number ten is regarded as the most perfect of numbers, because it contains the Unit that did it all, and the zero, symbol of the matter and the Chaos, of which all came out; it then includes in its figure the created and the non-created, the beginning and the end, the power and the force, the life and the nothing."
  • "It represents the straightness in the faith because it is the first number "in extension" (of two digits), just as hundred and thousand, explains Hugues of Saint-Victor."
  • "According to Agrippa, "ten is called the number of all or universal, and the complete number marking the full course of life." Also he attributes to it a sence of totality, the achievement, the return to the unit after the development of the cycle of the first nine numbers."
  • "Represent the revelation and the Divine Law."